HiFiChat — A Flutter Chatting App

Aman Jhagrolia
3 min readDec 16, 2020


First of all, here is the small demo video of my Chat App that is developed using Flutter.

Here is my GitHub Repository from where you can get the complete Dart code and APK of this app.

About the App:-

Authentication - As the app is opened, it will ask for Login or Register.

Login & Register Screen

Home Screen - After successful authentication, we are redirected to Home Screen where we’ll find a Search Bar and a Side Drawer.

When we open a side drawer present at the home screen, it will open a Map showing our current location.

Home Screen and Current Location

Search for User - We can search for the user in the search bar present at the home screen to initiate a chat with the user. In that search bar, we have to write username of the user and it will show us the Username and Email IDs of matched users.

User Search Bar

Chat Screen - After searching we can tap on the name of the user to start a chat with him. In the app bar of the chat screen, there are two icons Users Location and Delete Chat.

To view the location of the user to whom we are chatting, we can tap on Users Location icon, It will open up a dialog box showing the location of the user.

We can use Delete Chat icon to delete chat of current user. As we tap on that the chat is deleted and we are again redirected to the home screen.

Chat Screen and Users Location

Thanks, Hope this is helpful!🙂



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