Flutter: Animated App

Aman Jhagrolia
3 min readOct 14, 2020

I’ve created an app using Flutter framework in which different animations are used. It's just a simple app demonstrating some animations.

Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, Google Fuchsia and the web from a single codebase.

Here is my Github URL - https://github.com/jhagdu/flutter_animated_app.git

You can get Flutter Dart code of App and the apk of my app from here.

Video Demo of App :-

About the App :-

This is the first page which is shown when the app is opened. In this, we have the animated text and an animated button.

First Page

After clicking on the button on the first page, we’re be navigated to the home page, in which we’ll see an animated polygon, a slider and some buttons. When we slide the slider, the number of sides in polygon got changed along with some change in colouring of the page. When we click on the buttons provides will we are navigated to other animated screens.

Here both the buttons are like dough. when we try to drag the “Light Balls” button you will find it will move around on its position. And the “Disco Bars” button is a Gyrodough, that it will use gyrosensor of the mobile to detect the orientation of the device and then move around on the screen accordingly i.e. if you tilt or rotate your device this button will make movements.

Home Page

When we click on Buttons provided in Home page, we are redirected on these animated screens.

Light Balls and Disco Bars Animation

This is all about my app. Its simple app only demonstrating some animations but we can use these animations in some complex apps to make it beautiful.

Finally, Thanks🙂



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